Thursday, August 29, 2013

Wait, summer's over?

So, summer's done. Sort-of, almost officially. And I'm excited as we're coming up on my favorite time of year. The colors of the trees; the ravens cawing; the crisp, clear days; the excitement and delicious horror of Halloween; the scent of apples and cinnamon and spices; and most importantly: FOOTBALL!!! Roll Tide! Autumn is like a cleansing of the soul, a breath of fresh air, a season of new beginnings and celebration and thankfulness. I love it!

In professional news, I'm still hard at work on my super-secret YA horror. The plot line is so detailed that my second draft is more like Draft 1.5, which has surprised me. This is the most convoluted, complex, detailed plot I've ever attempted and there are days I wonder if I've bitten off more than I can chew. But hey, I thought it up, so I should be able to write it. Right? RIGHT? ::whimpers::

Okay, enough whining. Back to work!